Meat development

Additional general information
Carbonated algae lime Promotes the pH in the rumen
Carbonated feed lime Promotes bone development, nerve and muscle function
Contributes to the nervous system and proper functioning of the muscles
Provides a strong cell structure
Sodium Promotes the acid-base balance and water balance of the animal  
Phosphorus Promotes good energy management and the production of bone tissue
Lysine Amino acid supplementation
Methionine Promotes the removal of fat from the liver  
Rough eggwhite Forms the basis for the quickly absorbed protein  
Crude fiber Forms a stabilizing factor in the ration
Crude fat Forms the basis of a quickly absorbed energy component
Raw ash Ensures optimal absorption of minerals
Seaweed Prevents methane formation in the rumen
Brewer's yeast Positive support of rumen function
Beer grains Source of quickly absorbable protein, after fermentation in the rumen  
Fatty acids Form and basis for replenishing non-saturated fatty acids
sunflower oil Promote digestion and rumen function
Sugar cane molasses Contains potassium , magnesium and calcium , promotes palatability
Aromas Stimulate the animal's appetite
Chelated Zinc More resistance to infection formation ensures weight gain
Organic Selenium Together with vitamin E, it forms an important oxidant  
Vitamin C Supports the functioning of the liver